Giesenaue, Nm, poln. Jezyki (

Gramps ID P0099


  1. Family of Strehlow, Daniel Friedrich and Menge, Marie Dorothea
    1. Menge, Marie Dorothea [I0864]
    2. Strehlow, Daniel Friedrich [I0861]
  2. Schwandt, Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann [I0145]
  3. Menge, Marie Dorothea [I0864]
  4. Klatte, Marie Louise [I1324]
  5. Family of Schwandt, Heinrich Julius and Klatte, Marie Louise
    1. Klatte, Marie Louise [I1324]
    2. Schwandt, Heinrich Julius [I0146]
  6. Schwandt, Heinrich Julius [I0146]
  7. Strehlow, Daniel Friedrich [I0861]